The Wheat Farmers of USA

Concept Explanation

The Wheat Farmers of USA

The Wheat Farmers of USA:

  • From the late nineteenth century, there was a dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA. The urban population in the USA . The urban population in the USA was growing and the export market was becoming ever bigger.As the demand increased, wheat prices rose, encouraging farmers to produce more wheat.
  • The spread of railways made it easy to transport the grain from the wheat - growing regions to the eastern coast for export. By the early twentieth century the demand become ever higher, and during the First world war the world market boomed.
  • Russian suppliers of wheat were cut off and the USA had to feed Europe. US President Wilson called upon farmers to respond to need of the time 'Plant more wheat,wheat will win the war, he said.
  • In 1910, about 45 million acres of land in the USA was under wheat.Nine years later, the area had expanded to 74 million acres , an increase of about 65 per cent.
  • Most of the increase was in the Great Plains where new areas were being ploughed to extend cultivation.In many cases , big farmers - the wheat barons- controlled as much as 2,000 to 3,000 acres of land individually.

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